By: Mark Frentz
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What is Success?
Many successful real estate investors and business people with tell you the number one secret to success is simply pushing through and striving for your goals when it's most difficult. I've heard it said by an individual who studied the most successful business people in the US for 25 years that often the difference between success and failure is a few steps and that many unsuccessful individuals would have succeeded if they would have pushed through just one more barrier (Napoleon Hill). True failure is not having an unsuccessful attempt, or even many, but rather getting to a place where you no longer try. True success is not a certain dollar figure or attaining anything else of status, but rather accomplishing what you have set out to accomplish.
An Example of Success
The person I am going to talk about here was truly incredible (yes, incredible means hard to believe). He grew up in Eastern Europe in the late 19th century at a time when electricity, while understood on some level by academics, wasn't accessible to the general public (there was no electric lights at night). When very young he dreamed of an entire city being powered by electricity coming from an unlimited source and worked toward this in his younger years. I would recommend anyone watch the documentary "Nikola Tesla - Master of Lightning". It is older, but fantastic at showing many of the struggles Tesla encountered that would have stopped almost anyone else, but he pushed through and became one of the greatest investors in history. Alternating Current energy, Radio, and the dream of offering free or, at least, extremely inexpensive power to the entire world was Tesla's dream. So great was his desire to help people that he saw Radio waves as an opportunity to give energy to others rather than simply information. You could also Google Tesla's inventions to see some of his other ideas. The main point I would like to bring across in this blog is what Tesla had to go through in order to reach his dreams; succeed. He was called names, cheated by Thomas Edison (who also spent a great amount of money lying about Tesla and his invention of AC electricity to the public in anticipation of the first world fair that would be lit up at night), and generally seen as a nut job by many. At the end of my life I would gladly be commonly called completely crazy if that meant I thought outside the box enough to help others and become successful (which is definitely outside the norm). Tesla was crazy because he didn't fit the paradigm of most other people. Anyone who isn't 'normal' (people who spend more than they earn, have broken relationships everywhere around them, and consistently fail to meet their own expectations of themselves to the point where they give up having exciting goals and something to look forward to in the future) tends to be looked at with disdain for reasons I won't go into here. I delight in the fact that I'm different than the norm and would encourage you to start thinking differently as well.
What Can I Do This Year?
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions and never have been. Something about doing the same thing as everyone around me has always contained an element of normalcy I desperately attempt to steer clear of. Being the same as those around me or thinking the same as those around me isn't what I've ever wanted. I've always wanted to be different. However, I've always set goals for myself and worked toward those goals. I do this throughout the year and really take my time thinking through them. Below is an idea to help anyone wanting to begin working on having a different mindset start this year in a different way.
If you want to think differently you must ask yourself: Who am I spending most of my time with and what is the effect of being around those types of mindsets? Who in my life should I be spending more time with? Who is successful in some way and has a positive mindset that can rub off on me? It is true that we are influenced by those we spend our time with whether it is our spouse, our best friends, or our coworkers. To find someone positive it is a good rule of thumb to look for someone who knows who and invests in you without judgement. If it is a person who makes you feel terrible, that's not the right person. On the other hand, if there is someone who simply tells you want you want to hear every day and you know it's false, that person isn't the right type either.
Next, attempt to spend more time with that individual or those individuals. To make room for this in your schedule you most likely will need to also ask yourself: Who should I spend less time with? Who is the constant downer whose negativity always drains you of energy?
Don't get me wrong here. I'm not telling you to stop spending time with people that can learn from you or you can help. There should always be a balance of people who invest in us and those we invest in, but make sure it is balanced rather than sacrificing yourself, which ultimately hurts everyone around you (think about the flight take off spiel "always put the oxygen mask on yourself first so you can help others). We are less helpful to others if we are extremely unhealthy ourselves. I'm simply suggesting you change one significant relationship in your life and see what happens (It's magical!). After you notice the difference, imagine if there were 4-5 positive people in your life!
Happy New Year!
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